Originally published January 11, 2016
Rahm Emanuel and his close ally Alderman Cappelman want to shovel a $15.8M subsidy of your tax money to build a luxury high rise in Uptown — just hundreds of feet from homeless living underneath the Lake Shore Drive viaducts.
Uptown’s Maryville TIF is coming up to be presented at the Chicago Community Development Comission on Tuesday. The hearing will begin at 1 pm. Before the hearing we will be having a press conference outside the council chambers at 12:30.
We are asking people to show up a few minutes early to maximize our numbers at both the rpess conference and the hearing. Those opposed to the TIFwill be given a chance to speak at the hearing and should sign up on the sign up list when they arrive.
Given scandal after scandal, it is no surprise that our current mayor has learned absolutely nothing with his behavior and seeks to give more tax money to politically connected developers and real estate moguls making campaign contributions. While schools and mental health clinics close, our corrupt mayor and alderman seek to needlessly give more tax money to a luxury housing developer whose profits don’t need it.
Moreover, it is criminal that the alderman and mayor want to give millions away for luxury upscale housing literally steps away from homeless people sleeping outside in the freezing cold and when over 30,000 Chicagoans are waiting to receive affordable housing.
With so much need for mental health services, quality schools and affordable housing, it is insane that Mayor Emanuel and Ald. Cappleman seek to give money to a development that will further displace Chicagoans.
With Mayor 1% and his allies already showing their contempt to Black people’s lives — and the lives of all the 99% in this city — we must, and can, stop this gift to the rich.
Come out to protest at the City Council hearing — 12:20 PM, Tuesday, on the second floor of City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle Street.