Stonewall @ 50 Years: What Can the Early LGBT Movement Teach Us Today?

Veteran of the Civil Rights Movement Bob Schwartz talks with Andy Thayer about the lessons that the epic 1968-73 movements can teach us today. They stood down a viciously racist, Continue Reading →
Why Stonewall Matters Today

The Stonewall movement wasn’t just an uprising for LGBT rights — it was also part of a broader movement that fought racism, war, and poverty. To go beyond today’s tepid Continue Reading →
Stonewall Was a Rebellion! contingent @ Pride Parade

It’s the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riot, and this pride month is going to be a hell storm of rainbow capitalism and historical revisionism. To help counter the mainstream Continue Reading →
Reflections on Stonewall @ 50 Years

By Scott FreeGay Liberation Network As we reflect on the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riot, we must remember the times in which it occurred. Queer and trans people were Continue Reading →
Emergency Abortion Rights Protest in the Loop
March with us in the Pride Parade!

A Half Century of Stonewall Pride!Stonewall was a REBELLION Against Police Brutality! Please join our proudly radical contingent in the Pride Parade. On the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion in Continue Reading →
Chicagoans Join in Solidarity with Chelsea Manning

Some of the attendees at Chicago’s house party fundraiser for Chelsea Manning Earlier this month the Gay Liberation Network hosted a house party to raise money for Chelsea Manning’s legal Continue Reading →
Chelsea Manning is Free… But Could be Re-imprisoned Today

Last Thursday the grand jury before which Chelsea Manning refused to give secret testimony ended its term, meaning that the authorities had to free her. However, a new grand jury Continue Reading →
Why Stonewall is Important a Half Century Later

What is the relevance of the 1969 LGBT Stonewall Rebellion to today’s world? At a time of unchecked bigotry in official politics and endless US-supported wars and drone bombings abroad, explore Continue Reading →