Originally published September 28, 2015
GLN @ “SlutWalk”
Watch a moving speech by GLN’s Roger Fraser
In 2011, a Toronto, Canada cop said in response to a rape that women should avoid sexual assault by not dressing as “sluts.” Women and their allies responded to this victim-blaming with a growing multi-national movement known as “SlutWalk.”
SlutWalk, now hosted in cities across North America, is a protest against our sexist society which frequently excuses and minimizes sexual assault, and shields the individual perpetrators and the misogynist society that encourages rape.
The Gay Liberation Network‘s Roger Fraser was one of the speakers at Chicago’s SlutWalk and gave his own unique take on the repression of sexuality to meet hetero-normative expectations.
Here is Roger’s deeply personal, courageous speech: https://youtu.be/uXoFmQSdRzI